2020, ladies and gentlemen. How's everyone holding up so far? It's been a crazy last few months for me and I apologize for the break in blog posts. I write when I'm inspired by something, and when I'm feeling less-than it's really hard for me to focus on crafting words.
A quick update before I tell you what inspired this post. I am still following 'safer-at-home' protocol and don't really leave my condo for much, which is just fine by me. Covid cases in Los Angeles are a dumpster fire, people! A couple months ago I actually took up knitting, and both my #mom and #Auntie Patty did, too. I can't believe I'm saying this but I freaking love it. It is the perfect thing to do while watching TV or if I'm just bored, which, wouldn't you know it, happens a lot these days. I get super excited when I finish a project! Imagine me, in 85 degree weather, sitting on my couch knitting scarves while watching Hallmark Channel's Christmas in July marathon for two weeks straight...HA! Spoiler alert: everyone (EVERYONE) is getting a scarf for Christmas.

I may not have Christmas in July anymore, but I do have something better - NHL hockey! I have to admit, when talks were abound with the return to play plan I was skeptical at best. But the last couple of weeks have been amazing watching the exhibition games and qualifiers - SIX GAMES PER DAY!!! What is better than hockey all day while quarantined? Nothing! #Matt is safely inside the Toronto bubble and has nothing but good things to say about the entire setup. I am quite impressed myself, from what I can see on TV, social media, and living vicariously through him. I have to give the guy major resourcefulness points for being able to boil eggs in the hotel room's hot water kettle and remembering to order dish soap with his grocery delivery. (I mean, what?) I am also pretty proud of my own creativity in rearranging my living room (I've never been able to do that before!) so that I can sunbathe with my patio doors open while watching the games. Sun tans and hockey? Yes, please. Definitely starting to get the hang of this 2020 thing.
So this morning I stumbled upon this quote while scrolling through social media and it stopped me dead in my tracks:

I can't think of a more positive way to spin 2020 thus far. As I previously alluded, I am still enjoying quarantine. Life in the fast lane was all I knew - until it wasn't. And to be honest, I've been able to do everything I've needed to do, which, I'm discovering, isn't much after all. I workout in my living room, get my cardio in by walking up the hill, I grocery shop once a month and cook 95% of my food (clean-eating for the win!). And the most important thing? I FaceTime and Zoom my friends and family pretty much every day. I have half a dozen regular weekly calls on the calendar, and spontaneous ones thrown in there on top of that. I've actually gotten closer to some people during quarantine because we've taken the time to connect. For example, my friend #Tina and I have never lived in the same time zone. We met through the NHL and have always maintained a healthy long-distance relationship, but it wasn't until quarantine that we started FaceTiming regularly. I love it. The important people in my life have kept themselves relevant and our connections alive and thriving. Big socially-distanced hugs to all those who have made an attempt to stay connected with me, whether on a regular basis or just once, during quarantine. I love every one of you and can't wait for the day I get to squeeze your faces!
I also realized how much money I was previously spending that wasn't actually necessary. I have saved so much money during quarantine and it makes me think that even when my income picks up and the economy is fully open, my spending habits will be completely different than they were a year ago. Strange how that works out, eh? Anyone else?

I feel like there are so many people - even friends of mine - who just can't wait to go back to "normal" and go to bars with friends and go back to school and get their haircuts and nails done. Don't get me wrong, I miss those things too, but they are focusing so much on what we're missing out on, rather than taking this time to explore what we won't make time for when we return to the fast lane. Why is this? There will be concerts again, offices will reopen and live sports will return, but for now, we can enjoy our families at home; we can watch "bubble" games on TV and the sunset in a different city while on FaceTime with friends - I've done both of these! While these times are certainly uncertain, we will likely not ever experience anything like this again in our lifetimes. Why not take advantage of it? Find beauty and creativity, connect with yourself and things that are TRULY important. It's such a simple shift in perspective, but it makes a world of a difference.
I was talking to #Christy about this after I showed her the quote, and she had this brilliant commentary: "uncertainty, especially like in 2020, takes us away from the mundane and drives us toward the primordial or instinctual side of ourselves. When we consider our own mortality, or that of our loved ones, petty matters seem to fall away."
I'm a little embarrassed to admit that it took a worldwide pandemic for me to slow down and enjoy just the important things, but it's the truth. I have found that with a little imagination, we have all we need in front of us. Life can be simpler than what my previous big-city-living, multiple-job-holding, color-coded-calendar-keeping, extroverted self believed. That's not something I ever thought I'd admit, which, to me, makes it all the more a beautiful thing.
"When everything is uncertain, everything important becomes clear." -Unknown
What are the simple/important things in your life that you only discovered during the pandemic? Do you think we would have found these things otherwise?
Agreed, sometimes it is the difficult times that help us to understand that if we slow down the simple things become more meaningful. Becoming interspective helps to clear up your mind and you find the things that you want to hold close to your heart and soul. God Bless You sweetheart 🙏❤😉